HKUST's New Entrepreneur's Hub
The Base, a whole new hub for having dreams and pursuing dreams, was launched in the Fall semester in 2015. The Base, a new working space built with student-driven design and used for enriching students’ entrepreneurship experience, encourage the entrepreneurship culture in HKUST and support all HKUST members to start up an own business. It is also designed as a co-working place that offers office places to those who have a promising idea and good progress, and who have a solid idea of what to do next.
The idea comes from "Basecamp,” where mountaineers and explorers who want to reach the summit will take rest, refill materials, meet like-minded people, prepare for next attempt and overcome further challenges, etc.
I am one of the founding members of The Base Team, which aims to operate the shared space, organising, facilitating the Entrepreneurship Events, promoting THE BASE, and networking the Entrepreneurship-related parties, promoting THE BASE to HKUST members and non-HKUST parties. As a member of Design and Facility Team, I jointly develop the operation plan, and particularly gave suggestions to the contractor, developed the interior design and features of the new co-working base, design key components presented, such as a wall of white board and artificial grass, a big demo/ speech area, the use of natural elements, with other teammates.
As the Designer
What is more, I helped with the design of the logo of The Base. For the opening ceremony, I was in charge of designing and printing of the promotional material. I took up this duty because of my prior experience as the Media Manager in hackUST, in which Entrepreneurship Center in HKUST assisted a lot too. For printed material, I designed Display board to introduce The Base, foam-boards for display and photo taking, roller banners for showing direction and events. For online promotion, I started the Facebook page and developed several cover pictures and posters.
I enjoyed working with a group of startup enthusiasts and help to promote what I believe in. Many new attempts were made. I have explored more in the startup society in Hong Kong, meet with different people, found partners, and stimulated new ideas. Now The Base has been running for more than one year, gaining its recognition in the campus and Hong Kong startup community. The BASE in HKUST may not necessarily be the only base in Hong Kong. Even we are the founding members of this BASE, we can also encourage anyone we know, who is interested in Entrepreneurship, to cultivate the growth of startup and entrepreneurship.
The Base's Grand Opening

A foramboard of height of 2 meter is hang at a wall of The Base. It took quite a lot of effort to carry it from printing shop to the campus :-P.
Come and pay a visit here, you will love the place. Grab a sand bed, lay down and make a unique and creative dream!