From An Idea to A Startup

Inspired from the giant whiteboard in The Base, the entrepreneurship hub in HKUST, I thought that HKUST lacked a "recruitment broad": it is not a board to recruit paid jobs, but finding partners. Many ideas initiators have brilliant business ideas, but they cannot find human resources of same interests and talents needed to achieve the goals. So partnering with one of my teammate in hackUST, Peter, we initiated IdeaMagnet. We got enthusiastic members joined. We attempted to commercialize it and applied for ASTRI Innovation Runway Program, an incubation program. The project is in halt as the response was not so as expected and the conditions were not favorable.


IdeaMagnet, Where Ideas Meet People

IdeaMagnet aims to facilitate ideas realization by building connection, kickstart the ideas and make the project come true, and hence bring positive impact to the society.

IdeaMagnet is an idea sharing and sourcing platform for dreamers and entrepreneurs to discover people with similar ideas. It aims at solving the lack of time, people, and skills during early stage idea execution. Through IdeaMagnet, users can voice out their thoughts and look for a variety of potential partners, or let them locate you!



Issue IdeaMagnet Address

Living in the age of a fast-changing and creativity demanded world, we believe everyone has ideas that they are passionate on. These ideas can be a startup, social service, voluntary work or any kinds of creative ideas. Some of the ideas indeed could be the next “changing world” idea. However, most of the ideas will be given up because of people. It is hard to find partners with similar vision using their network.

Imagine you have an idea which needs partners to work with, how tough and how time-consuming it is to find the potential partners. It is the main reason most ideas would be eliminated even before the first step. We believe that there should be more effective ways to search for the appropriate one.


IdeaMagnet's Solutions

To address the problems, Ideamagnet is an OTO platform that will play as an open matching platform that allows users to share their passionate ideas and find partners in a more effective way. By more effective, we will both emphasize on time spent and quality of people. For the former, we would apply crowdsourcing method instead of friend's recommendation method to find a partner as crowdsourcing shortens the time to spread your idea to a large amount of audience and enhance the possibility to find potential teammates.

For the latter, we understand that the advantages of using the self network are that it at least has a sense of credibility as the potential partner is recommended by your friends or the person, you are had talked to rather than completely strangers. This, Ideamagnet would like to put effort on the profile and interaction between users. Ideamagnet will ask users to not only provide their very basic personal information such as name, email e.t.c. But also the work style, personal vision and spiritual believe that is relatively important in teamwork. Moreover, we would allow the users to share their thoughts on the idea and allow them to examine whether they have the same thoughts before going on.




IdeaMagnet on site:


  • Project Type: Start Up
  • Title Co- funder
  • Main Role in the teams As Chief Graphic Designer, in responsible of creating and implement marketing plan with different means of visual communications. Initiated the idea of hosting a idea board where people can Post your idea and find the your best partners to realise your idea; Focused on the communication of the idea through visual elements; Executed the opening campaign at The Base by making a real job posting board;
  • Achievement Launched its beta website; As participant in AIR Incubation Program; Worked closely with The Base at HKUST to provide assistance in idea sharing platforms
  • Website