Ninja WiFi's own media- Sasuke Daily News

Harnessing the power of content marketing.

An image of ninja Sasuke and his family going to various places in Japan and sharing the journey. We utilize Sasuke Daily not only as a travel blog but also as a portal to deliver the product information of the Wifi rental service and produce brand awareness. By distributing latest trends and news and sharing among Hong Kong online communities, we anticipated a new wave of customer acquisition with aid on SEO reclusive effect of content marketing.

Read More: Sasuke Daily News's Promotion Campaign


The news articles are shared in own media. Earned, owned and paid media are the three media of digital marketing strategy. The combination of the three elements forms a complete digital marketing strategy. While the strategies are different, the goal is the same — to generate awareness and engagement. While Paid and earned get most of the attention, Owned media sites are the destination of leads generation. To save the cost, we adopted "Stealth marketing," acting as ordinary internet users and spread the content across different online communities, such as Facebook travel groups and forums.

We depict the own media as traveller's first-hand experience; each writer has their personality, as an effort to make differentiation to other travel sites.

The image below shows the operation model with the client, Vision Inc.



I actively participated in this project. At the pre-launch stage, as a designer, I designed the logo and UI. During the running stage, I worked closely with freelance writers, to maintain and execute a schedule, manage topics to ensure quality content. What's more, as an editor, I revise the content submitted, incorporating the promotion campaign on the go. After creation of content, it is essential to grow the company's presence through social media, I update the posts on Ninja WiFi's Facebook and write copies of articles in travel groups. To maximize the exposure through search engines, SMO and SEO were also crucial. KPIs and marketing metrics are closely monitored and recorded.

Read More: Ninja WiFi's Social Media Promotion working with Sasuke Daily News

The framework of the website used is WordPress. Features of the design include: Popular posts with preview pictures at the top section; A small size banner along the sidebar of the Daily News site; Facebook page plugin; Call for action banner at the bottom of every post; revolving subtitles to make the page eye-catching.



 Icon Design 

Icons were designed in different styles in an attempt to adopt a different media strategy to the original service page.


  • Project Type: Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Own Media, Earned Media, Paid Media
  • Skills Needed: First, making a wirframe of the landing page and form a consensus with colleague and co-worker; Campaign concept design; Making Tagline, Graphic design, copywriting
  • Customer: Vision Inc.
  • Project Year: 2015