Face talks Baby’s Mind

An Extraordinary Device that reveals your Baby’s Mind

Since babies lack the ability to communicate verbally, parents find it difficult to understand their feeling. Moreover, since most families have become nuclear family now, parents hardly discuss their babies problems with the elders or the most experienced ones in the family. The app will explain what your baby is thinking.

Babylook service can tell what your baby is thinking and their current status. Babylook app will also advise you with suggestions on how to solve the issue. Babylook Wearable get each body information and send the data to the “Baby Look Server.” After getting the data, the server analyzes and reveal baby’s status.

Babylook makes a Baby and Mother’s bond even stronger by giving them a means of communication. With Babylook you can get an Instant Checking on the status of your beloved baby. It has three primary functions:

1)Reveal emotion 2) Analysis diseases 3) Health tracking

The project is still under development. 


Beta Website

As Web Developer at the beginning of the project, I designed the beta version of the service website for PR exposure. ( We can't tell others we are developing a product without having a website). I deployed the website on the live server. As a beta, it is jus a static website. However, there are some tricky parts of the website, which are slideshow on the top banner and Newsletter submit and recording function using Google Spreadsheet.

As the core developer of the new business model, decide the Service name, formulate the business model using the famous Business model Canvas. I am responsible in the hardware development, doing market research, making requirement documets, planning the schedule and making a prototype by 3D printing.

Read More: Development of Babylook Wearable and prototype in 3D Printing


Currently, we are planning on the Video Production. I am designing the scenario of the promotion video. Updates about the ambitious project are coming soon.

  • Project Type: Business Development; Face Recognition; Mobile App; Hardware
  • Skills Needed: Google Sketchup
  • Website: http://babylook.mom/